The 3 R’s To Grow Your Personal Training Income

You’ve probably heard the saying “the smallest hinges swing the biggest doors”, right?

Basically, it means that sometimes the smaller actions create the biggest impact.

What I’m about the share with you today can add a minimum of $100,000 of income to your personal training revenue in the next 12 months.


For the most part, marketing your personal training business isn’t the problem. You can easily market your services or promotions and generate more leads, the tricky part is turning those leads into lasting clients.

It’s a shame to do all this amazing marketing, growing your email list, and positioning yourself as an expert, only to not be able to keep them as long term clients.

They quit and they give you the money objection.

Truth is, if results and value are there, people don’t care about the money. The money excuse is usually a smoke screen that’s used to tell you “I’m not happy with the results I’m getting, and I don’t want to give you $200 a month in exchange for the workouts you give me.”

The only way those leads are going to stick with your program is if they’re seeing results. The results do the talking.

Step it up a notch, and go from amateur to pro.

Set a goal the moment they sign up with you so that you can make sure they reach that goal by the end of their 30 days, 60 days, 12 months, whatever. 

When they get those results, they’ll see the value is worth more than the price.


See, for a lot of you you keep trying to market because you have all these holes in your bucket. And you think the answer is to drive more traffic and get more leads on board.

Problem is, they stay on for two or three months, and then they leave.

Instead, plug up the holes by delivering results so that you can now retain that client. Once they see the results, they get excited. And then their friends and family start noticing their improvements, which makes them more excited.

There’s no easier way to increase your income than by keeping current clients. When you deliver measurable results, your clients get excited and want to stick with you.

And because they’re excited about your program and the results, they’ll be excited to tell their friends and family about you when you ask them to refer you.

The best part about referrals is they come in hot. They’re pre-screened and they already trust you because you were referred to them by someone they trust.


If you’re struggling to keep long lasting clients, it’s probably because you’re not delivering results.

Your duty as a personal trainer and coach is to make sure you’re exceeding their expectations and tracking their progress.

It’s seven times more expensive to get a new client on board than it is to keep your current clients.

You need to ask yourself if you’re being not just a trainer, but a great coach to your clients as well. You need to know how to inspire and motivate your clients, and show them the outcome they will achieve is bigger than the pain.

The more culture you build, and the better results you deliver, the longer you’ll keep your current clients on board.

Committed to your success,
